Press release

Sales development, September

Turnover for the H&M Group increased in September 2004 by
10 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year.
A weak sales development during the first two weeks was followed
by a good increase during the remaining part of the month.

Sales increase per month in per cent excluding currency rate changes:

2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04

December 7 10 16 11
January 22 8 18 14
February 16 16 10 13
March 27 16 8 7
April 15 12 12 13
May 20 11 9 7
June 21 19 8 15
July 18 18 8 14
August 26 16 5 15
September 34 8 6 10
October 18 26 10
November 20 14 4

Whole year 20 14 9

Sales development in the month of October will be published on 16th
November 2004 at 8.30 CET.

Rolf Eriksen
Managing Director

Contact person:
Carl-Henric Enhörning, IR +46-8-796 5410

H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB (Publ.)
Head office – A7, 106 38 Stockholm
Phone: +46-8-796 55 00, Fax: +46-8-24 80 78, E-mail:
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