Fair & equal

We want to be part of a fashion industry that provides fair jobs and equal treatment for everyone. We are committed to respecting human rights and are determined to create inclusive and diverse workplaces, both in our operations and in our supply chain.

Human rights

We have a responsibility to uphold human rights throughout our operations and value chain. Our work covers topics like general labour rights, wages and modern slavery and access to water and sanitation.


We believe that workers in our supply chain should be paid fairly. Through dialogue and collaboration we are making progress towards improving wage management systems, empowering workers and bringing about lasting change.

Working conditions

We are committed to creating fair and equal working conditions in our supply chain. Through focused strategies and partnerships, we aim to ensure the well-being and empowerment of all workers.

Gender equality in our supply chain

We promote gender equality throughout our supply chain. We work with our suppliers to support women’s empowerment and build inclusive workplaces that contribute towards a more equitable and sustainable industry.

Community engagement

We work with communities connected to our operations to foster positive change through focusing on local empowerment and promoting sustainable practices.

Sustainability Disclosure


Every year we publish our sustainability disclosure detailing the progress we made over the previous 12 months towards our goals and ambitions.
