Press release

H&M’s nomination committee proposes that Karl-Johan Persson is elected as the new chairman of the board of H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB at the annual general meeting on 7 May 2020

As communicated last week, Stefan Persson has announced that he will not stand for re-election as chairman of H&M at this spring’s annual general meeting. The nomination committee has unanimously decided to propose Karl-Johan Persson as new chairman of the board of H&M at the annual general meeting on 7 May 2020. In addition, the nomination committee will propose the re-election of all the current AGM-elected board members apart from Stefan Persson. It is therefore proposed that Stina Bergfors, Anders Dahlvig, Danica Kragic Jensfelt, Lena Patriksson Keller, Christian Sievert, Erica Wiking Häger and Niklas Zennström are re-elected.

The nomination committee’s other proposals will be presented in the notice of the annual general meeting 2020.