Chair of the Board of Directors

The task of the board of directors is to manage the company’s affairs on behalf of the shareholders. The board members are elected by the shareholders at the annual general meeting for the period up to the end of the next AGM.
In addition to laws and recommendations, H&M’s board work is regulated by the board’s work plan which contains rules on the distribution of work between the board, its committees and the CEO, financial reporting, investments and financing. The work plan, which also includes a work plan for the audit committee, is established once a year. According to the articles of association, H&M’s board is to consist of at least three and no more than twelve members elected by the AGM and no more than the same number of deputies. The annual general meeting determines the exact number of board members.
H&M’s audit committee is appointed annually by the board of directors. The audit committee consists of Christian Sievert (chair) along with Anders Dahlvig (member) and Helena Saxon (member). The audit committee monitors the company’s financial reporting, which includes monitoring the effectiveness of the company’s internal control and risk management. Its work includes handling auditing issues and financial reports published by the company.
Chair of the Board of Directors
Board member
Board member & member of the Audit Committee
Board member
Board member & Chair of the Audit Committee
Board member
Board member & member of the Audit Committee
Board member
Deputy employee representative
Deputy employee representative
Employee representative
Employee representative
Deputy employee representative
Employee representative
During the financial year H&M normally holds six regular board meetings, one of which is the statutory board meeting. Extraordinary board meetings are held when the need arises. The board consists of eight ordinary members elected by the annual general meeting. There are also three employee representatives and three deputy employee representatives. Eight members of the board are women and six are men; six of the fourteen are employed by the company. The board is assisted by a secretary who is not a member of the board.
The board meetings begin with a discussion of the company’s financial situation, with costs and sales as the main focus. The board goes through the various financial reports and the annual report and verifies these before they are published. The board meetings also discuss matters such as overall strategy, expansion and dividend policy.
The CEO attends meetings of the board in order to report on the operational work within the group and ensures that the board is given relevant and objective information on which to base its decisions.
Attendance at the board meetings is very good and the members participate in all discussions. Accounting matters are dealt with in detail within the auditing committee and reported back to the board.
Read about the work of the board of directors in 2023
See information on the composition of the board, the board members´s attendance and fees paid to board members in 2023