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Nomination committe 2018

The composition of the nomination committee is based on the principles for the nomination committee adopted at the 2018 annual general meeting. The nomination committee below is based on the principle that the nomination committee is to consist of the chairman of the board plus four others nominated by the four largest shareholders in terms of voting rights, as recorded in the register of shareholders, other than the shareholder that the chairman of the board may represent

  • Stefan Persson, chairman of the board
  • Lottie Tham
  • Liselott Ledin, Alecta
  • Jan Andersson, Swedbank Robur fonder
  • Thomas Wuolikainen, Fjärde AP-fonden (Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund)

To see the principles for the nomination committee, established at the annual general meeting on 8 May 2018, see appendix 1 in the document Account of the work of H&M’s nomination nommittee ahead of the 2018 AGM.

Since AMF/AMF Fonder is no longer one of the five largest shareholders in the H&M group, Anders Oscarsson of AMF left H&M’s nomination committee in October 2018. Under the rules set out in the principles for the nomination committee adopted at the annual general meeting, a new member of the nomination committee has been appointed: Thomas Wuolikainen of Fjärde AP-fonden (Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund), which is now one of the five largest shareholders in H&M according to the register of shareholders.

An account of the work of the nomination committee ahead of each AGM is available in a separate document on every nomination committee page, see below.

Starting from the 2008 annual general meeting, the members of H&M’s nomination committee are elected by the general meeting.