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Press release

H&M continues to go organic

H&M is continuing its big venture into organic cotton in all departments this Autumn. The season also heralds the start of other conscious choices of materials such as organic wool and recycled wool and recycled polyester.

“We are now using organic cotton in all departments. We’re proud that we’re able to meet increased interest from our customers and at the same time contribute to the increased demand for organically grown cotton. Garments made from organic cotton include both fashion items and updated basics,” says H&M Head of Design Ann-Sofie Johansson.

The clothes will hang in their respective departments in H&M stores and be labelled with special hangtags. 

Tops, dresses and bodysuits are in solid colours or feature patterns from nature inspired by art. Garments made from organic and recycled wool include a coat with dolman sleeves and a funnel neck, a kimono jacket, Jodhpur style trousers, a tulip skirt and knitted jumpers. Wide jeans in organic denim, a patterned dress and a blouse also feature. There’s outerwear too, such as a couture-inspired anorak, and an anorak made from recycled polyester. Underwear and sleepwear made in organic cotton feature floral patterns, checks or stripes, as well as pretty lace or embroidery.

In the Menswear department, it’s mostly basics that are made from organic cotton, including boxer shorts, socks and scarves as well as T-shirts in several colours.

For the girls there are T-shirts in several colours, plain or with prints, a romantic blouse and a waistcoat, as well as dungaree shorts and cargo pants. For the guys there are T-shirts with prints or stripes, a hooded cardigan, a waistcoat, a uniform-inspired shirt, a granddad shirt, a uniform-inspired jacket, and khaki jeans in different shades. All are made of organic cotton.

Baby, Children and Young
For babies there are bodies, trousers, pants and little hats for the very small. There are also hooded tops sporting stripes or fun messages, such as “I might not be as big as you but I can be louder”. All are made in organic cotton. 

For children there are long-sleeved T-shirts featuring patterns or prints, a dress, a nightdress and underwear in cute animal prints. There are also rugby shirts and hooded tops with prints as well as vests and boxer shorts. A shopping bag completes the collection. All are made from organic cotton. 

The Young concept for children between 9 and 14 contains a complete collection of tops, blouses, shirts and a cardigan. There’s also a reefer jacket along with jeans, and a skirt with matching knitted accessories for girls. For boys there are T-shirts, a shirt, cardigan, hooded top, lumberjack jacket, jeans, hat and scarf. All garments are made from organic cotton. 

The prices of these pieces are in line with other H&M collections.

For further information, please contact: 

Camilla Emilsson Falk
Telephone: +46 70 796 96 15