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H&M Group signatory New Plastics Economy Commitment

We are proud to be one of the signatories of the new initiative from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, bringing together businesses and governments to address the root causes of plastic waste and pollution.

Plastic waste is a challenge that no single brand can solve on its own. Instead, a systemic change tackling the root causes is required. We need to work together to make a transition towards a circular economy for plastics, in which plastics never become waste, a reality.

At H&M Group, we believe that an industry-wide shift from a linear to a circular business model is the only solution. We have therefore set high ambitions for our business to become 100% circular and renewable, taking a circular approach that covers the whole value chain. From how we design, what materials we use and the production process, not only for our products, but also for the packaging we use to protect our products.

“Plastic waste and pollution is a global environmental challenge. At H&M Group, we are committed to take the actions needed to shift the system towards a circular use of plastic packaging where it never ends up as waste. With the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment, business and governments are aligned making it possible for us to act as one voice, which is an important step in the right direction” says Cecilia Brännsten, Head of Environmental Sustainability at H&M Group.

H&M Group’s commitment

For more information on our sustainability work, please visit

For more information on the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, please visit
