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H&M group qualifies for Dow Jones Sustainability Index

How do you know for sure if a company is a confirmed global sustainability leader, and that is truly engaged in responsible business practices? You check whether it has qualified for a Dow Jones Sustainability Index. And H&M Group has — for six years in a row.

In today’s climate of climate consciousness, sustainable business practices are critical to a company’s long-term credibility and success.

In today’s climate of climate consciousness, sustainable business practices are critical to a company’s long-term credibility and success. And when it comes to responsible behaviour in the corporate sustainability domain, it’s useful for H&M Group to look at how we measure up against the crowd. Apparently, with our inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for the sixth year running, we’re not doing badly at all. Only the top-ranked companies in the fashion industry qualify for a DJSI, the gold standard for corporate responsibility.

During the most recent rankings, in several categories H&M Group received the highest scores of all the companies assessed in the industry for the DJSI World, a global index. In fact, in three particular categories, we received the highest possible score of 100 points, namely: Quality & Recall Management; Social Reporting; and Environmental Reporting. In Supply chain Management, H&M Group also outshone its industry peers, with an impressive score of 92, and ranked well above the industry average in almost all other categories. Anna Gedda, Head of Sustainability H&M Group, says: “We are proud to be included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the sixth year in a row. This is strong and fact-based proof that we are living up to our leadership ambition”.

“We are proud to be included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the sixth year in a row. This is strong and fact-based proof that we are living up to our leadership ambition”.

Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World)

Launched in 1999, the DJSI World is the first global index to track the sustainability performance of large stock-listed companies based on an extensive independent assessment carried out by the international investment company RobecoSAM which is based in Zürich, Switzerland. RobecoSAM carries out an annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) of the world’s largest companies using a consistent rules-based methodology to give each one a score, which in turn determines their inclusion in the DJSI. The idea is to measure companies’ adherence to the sustainable business principles they advocate. The DJSI World is part of the DJSI family of benchmarks that monitor the application of sustainable business practices in all industries.