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Nomination committe 2008

The Nomination Committee for H&M comprises the following members:


  • Stefan Persson, Chairman of the Board of H&M
  • Lottie Tham, representing Lottie Tham
  • Tomas Nicolin, representing Alecta
  • Jan Andersson, representing Swedbank Robur fonder
  • Peter Lindell, representing AMF pension

The composition is based on shareholdings at 29 February 2008.

Proposals from shareholders for the Nomination Committee may be sent either to individual members of the Nomination Committee or directly to the company for forwarding to the Committee, by e-mail to or alternatively to the following postal address:

H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB, Attn. Carola Echarti-Ardéhn, 106 38 Stockholm, Sweden.

The AGM approved the Nomination Committee’s proposed principles for the Nomination Committee and elected the members of the Nomination Committee for the period up to the next AGM