News article

Earth Hour Saturday March 29th 8.30-9.30 PM

Earth Hour is the world’s largest collective environmental action, when millions of people all over the world show their commitment to the environment by turning off all non-essential lights at the appointed time for one hour. H&M has supported Earth Hour for many years and we will join this year as well.

Most of the lights in our stores and facilities are normally turned off on a Saturday evening, and will be so during Earth Hour on Saturday March 29th 8.30-9.30 PM (20.30-21.30). However, some lights still need to be lit during the evening for safety and technical reasons.

One of our seven Conscious Commitments is “Be climate smart.” Being Climate smart is a constant series of choices, big and small; H&M works actively in various ways to reduce our energy consumption in our stores, offices and distribution centers – and beyond. We also try to inspire those around us to make equally smart climate choices, such as washing their clothes at lower temperatures or skipping the dryer altogether. On this great occasion we will inform our staff about Earth Hour and let them know what they can do to show their support, like switching off the lights at home for Earth Hour.  

Did you know:

– 15% reduction in electricity use per H&M store sqm since 2007.

– 18% of the electricity we used came from renewables. Our goal is 100%.

– Our own solar photovoltaic panels generated enough energy to supply 145 European households for an entire year.

Read more about our sustainability efforts on