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H&M takes a stand against APEs

APEs (Alkylphenol ethoxylates) are a group of chemicals, including NPE (Nonylphenolethoxylate), that has a number of serious environmental concerns – for example by polluting waters and harming aquatic life. These chemicals are not needed to make clothes, but unfortunately they can be found in many textile products. H&M takes a clear stand against the use of APEs in garment production and we are committed to eliminate the use of these substances among our suppliers.

That´s why we requested all our suppliers already in 2009 to not use any APEs for making products for H&M. Since last year, we worked together with Greenpeace and a number of other brands to find methods to further ensure that this usage ban is always followed in practice. We further improved our test and audit standards, which already are among the most advanced ones in our industry, and we ask all our suppliers to prove that the dyes and other chemicals they use do not contain any APEs. To check this, they must be able to show us certificates in which the chemical producers declare that their products are APE free.

Even though of this, our regular tests showed that some products still contained traces of APEs. There are no legal requirements for APEs in textiles – but however, our aim is for all our products to be APE-free.

To find out where these remaining small traces could come from, we conducted intensive studies. We tested machine oils, washing detergents and many more things that could potentially cause such contaminations. In the end, we found that some dyes and similar chemicals did actually contain APEs, even though they were certified by their producers to be APE-free.

That´s why we welcome the collaboration of all actors concerned, including the chemical industry, to work together to ban these substances from the entire fashion industry and thereby contribute to a better environment for all of us.

Helena Helmersson is our Head of Sustainability. Opinions expressed are her personal views and do not necessarily represent the official views of H&M. Do you have questions or feedback? Please click here.