Press release

H&M to open stores in Hungary

H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB has signed a contract for the first store in Hungary. The store, which will carry the full product range, will be situated in central Budapest. The opening is estimated to be in late autumn 2005.

H&M plans to open more stores in Hungary after the opening. The establishment in Hungary implies that H&M then will be present in 22 markets.

Contact person:
Carl-Henric Enhörning, IR Director +46-8-796 54 10

H&M switchboard +46-8-796 55 00

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H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB (H&M) was established in Sweden in 1947. The company’s business concept is to offer fashion and quality at the best price. H&M is quoted on the O-list of the Stockholm Stock Exchange and had more than 1000 stores in 20 countries in the end of August 2004. H&M has over 40,000 employees and achieved sales including VAT in 2003 of SEK 56,550 million. H&M has a wide product range that is divided into a number of different concepts for women, men, teenagers, children and cosmetics. The company’s clothing collections are created by its own designers, pattern designers and buyers. For further information visit

H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB (Publ.)
Head office – A7, 106 38 Stockholm
Phone: +46-8-796 55 00, Fax: +46-8-24 80 78, E-mail:
Registered office Stockholm, Reg. No 556042-7220