H&M’s nomination committee proposes election of Danica Kragic Jensfelt to the board of directors
The nomination committee of H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB has now completed its work ahead of the annual general meeting on 7 May 2019. The nomination committee proposes that Danica Kragic Jensfelt is elected to the board of directors and that the current board members are re-elected: Stina Bergfors, Anders Dahlvig, Lena Patriksson Keller, Stefan Persson, Christian Sievert, Erica Wiking Häger and Niklas Zennström. It is proposed that Stefan Persson is re-elected as chairman of the board.
“I am very pleased that Danica Kragic Jensfelt has agreed to be proposed as a new board member at the H&M group. Danica has unique expertise within computer science and AI and how this can be used in robotisation, logistics and recycling as well as within fashion and the shopping experience. In view of the great transition that is taking place in fashion retail as a result of increasing digitalisation, Danica’s knowledge will be very valuable to the H&M group in the time ahead,” says Stefan Persson, who chairs the H&M group’s nomination committee as well as its board of directors.
Danica Kragic Jensfelt was born in 1971 and grew up in Croatia, where she obtained an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Rijeka. Danica was awarded a PhD in robotics by KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm in 2001. In 2018 Danica became a Professor of Computer Science at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, conducting research in the fields of computer vision and robotics. The aim of Danica’s research is to use sensors to build future systems that interact with people and their environment in a natural way. In 2012 Danica was awarded an honorary doctorate from Lappeenranta University of Technology in Finland and she is today a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). Danica is currently a member of the boards of FAM, a Wallenberg family foundation, SAAB and the Institute for Future Studies. Her own shareholding in H&M amounts to 2,500 shares and related parties’ holdings in H&M to 120 shares.
The nomination committee comprises Stefan Persson, Lottie Tham, Liselott Ledin from Alecta, Jan Andersson from Swedbank Robur Fonder and Thomas Wuolikainen from Fjärde AP-fonden. The members of the nomination committee represent shareholders who together account for 77 percent of the total votes in the company. The nomination committee’s full proposals will be presented in the notice of H&M’s annual general meeting in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar.
The Nomination Committee of H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB
Contact person: Jan Andersson, telephone +46 76 139 55 00