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We stand with and support the black community – today, everyday and everywhere

We stand with and support the black community – today, everyday and everywhere to end racism in all forms.

The recent killings of more members of the black community in the US leave us devastated and heartbroken. Their lives, and the lives of all black people taken by violence, mattered. 

We also acknowledge our past mistakes and they have made us acutely aware of how much we still need to learn. As a company, we are growing, but we can and must do better. We re-commit to taking tangible steps to challenge racism and support our colleagues, customers and communities. Symbolic support is not enough – we will take action.

More directly, we will play our own part. H&M Group pledges to donate 500,000 USD to the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Color of Change, and the ACLU. These organisations fight for justice, economic rights and empowerment of the black community. We will provide our colleagues additional resources to further educate them around implicit bias. Furthermore, in the US, we will develop a stronger relationship with Historically Black Colleges and Universities and increase community events that continue to empower the black community. We will also mobilize efforts to increase voter registration.

This list is not exhaustive. We will assemble a task force of black leaders to help advise us on further work. But for now, it is important for us to state firmly and unequivocally:

Black lives matter.


Helena Helmersson, CEO H&M Group 
