News article

World Water Day

Today we would like to take the opportunity to put some light on the World Water Day. It is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. In 2013, World Water Day is dedicated to the theme of cooperation around water and is coordinated by UNESCO.

Water is a key resource for H&M and we are committed to ensure water is used responsibly throughout our value chain. For more than a decade we have been working on reducing negative water impacts. Now the time has come to step it up even further. That was why we, in the beginning of this year, entered into a three year global water partnership with Conservation organisation WWF. Starting in 2013, WWF and H&M implement this together, and according to WWF no other fashion company has such a comprehensive global water strategy, as it takes the whole supply chain into account and goes far beyond the factory lines.

Please read more about our water engagement here: