Press release

Sales development, July

Turnover increase for the H&M Group was in July 2006
11 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year.

Sales increase per month in per cent excluding currency rate changes:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06

December 16 11 13 14(4)
January 18 14 5 15(5)
February 10 13 6 11(2)
March 8 7 20 0(-8)
April 12 13 15 9(1)
May 9 7 18 13(5)
June 8 15 18 9(1)
July 8 14 12 11(2)
August 5 15 17
September 6 10 7
October 10 9 10
November 4 24 11

Whole year 9 12 13

The figure in paranthesis represents the sales development in comparable

Total number of stores amounted to 1,248 (1,123) on 31 July 2006.

Sales development in the month of August will be published together with
the nine month report on 27 September 2006
at 8.00 CET.

Rolf Eriksen
Managing Director

Contact person:
Nils Vinge +46-8-796 5250
H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB (Publ.)
Head office – A7, 106 38 Stockholm
Phone: +46-8-796 55 00, Fax: +46-8-24 80 78, E-mail:
Registered office Stockholm, Reg. No 556042-7220