Sustainability Disclosure2023
Complementing the Annual and Sustainability Report, the Sustainability Disclosure 2023 provides additional details about the strategy, goals, performance data and policies related to our sustainability work in the past year.
“We continue to shift gears as we work towards achieving our 2030 sustainability goals and aligning ourselves towards upcoming legislation. Keeping collaboration at heart, I have been constantly inspired by all the conversations we have had this past year with our partners, peers, and change makers throughout different forums.”
Leyla Ertur Head of Sustainability, H&M Group
Key sustainability figures 2023
spent on more sustainably sourced materials and decarbonisation of our supply chain
reduction in scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under our science-based target against a 2019 baseline (Excluding use-phase emissions)
reduction in electricity intensity in our stores from our 2016 baseline, exceeding our 25% goal seven years early
share of recycled or sustainably sourced materials, including 25% recycled materials
Annual and Sustainability Report 2023
H&M Group’s Annual and Sustainability Report 2023 reveals the progress we made in the year behind us and outlines our financial and non-financial performance.