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Share buyback

At the annual general meeting 2024, a general authorisation was passed for the board to be able to buy back the company’s own B shares until the 2025 annual general meeting. If the board chooses to utilise this authority, amounts and other details will be communicated before repurchases are initiated.

Proposed authorisation to allow share buybacks
The board of directors will ask the 2025 annual general meeting for a general authorisation allowing the board to buy back the group’s own B shares in the period up to the 2026 annual general meeting. This general authorisation is, among other things, one of the tools for the board to use if surplus liquidity is identified.

Archive press releases – share buyback programme

The board of directors of H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB has decided to utilise the authorisation granted by the 2024 annual general meeting to acquire the company’s own B shares for SEK 1 billion. The buyback programme was initiated on 26 September 2024.

Week  Press release  Appendix 
48  27 November 2024  Week 48 
47  25 November 2024  Week 47 
46  18 November 2024  Week 46 
45  11 November 2024  Week 45 
44  4 November 2024  Week 44 
43  28 October 2024  Week 43 
42  21 October 2024  Week 42 
41  14 October 2024  Week 41 
40  7 October 2024  Week 40 
39  30 September 2024  Week 39 

The board of directors of H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB has decided to utilise the authorisation granted by the 2023 annual general meeting to acquire the company’s own B shares for SEK 3 billion. The buyback programme was initiated on 27 September 2023.

Week  Press release  Appendix 
9  4 March 2024  Week 9 
8  26 February 2024  Week 8 
7  19 February 2024  Week 7 
6  12 February 2024  Week 6 
5  5 February 2024  Week 5 
4  29 January 2024  Week 4 
3  22 January 2024  Week 3 
2  15 January 2024  Week 2 
1  8 January 2024  Week 1 


Joseph Ahlberg, Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +46 73 465 9392